About Us
The Little Colorado River Valley Astronomy Club (lcrvac) is a charitable non-profit 501c3 organization located in East-Central Arizona. Club members provide science & astronomy public & educational outreach presentations & events. LCRV Astronomy Club is an outreach partner with the Winslow Homolovi Observatory & assists with the park's monthly public night sky outreach events April thru November.
1st Annual Astro Pageant of 2025
The Little Colorado River Valley Astronomy Club and the Winslow High School will be hosting the 1st Annual Astro Pageant of 2025 this coming May 2nd & 3rd. Two age groups participate in STEAM exercises for prizes & recognition. Entry forms & fee are due by March 1st. Download the entry form & read additional information ----->
Membership & Donations support the Winslow Homolovi Observatory as well as LCRV Astronomy Club public outreach events & activities. Contact info@lcrvac.org for more info.
Members share the sky with the public. Many have never looked through a telescope before. Monthly astronomy events are hosted at the Homolovi State Park visitor center & observatory. If you have a scope bring it out. We welcome observers & imagers from novice to seasoned veteran.
Access to the Winslow Homolovi Observatory & the 14" Moore f/11 SCT for visual observing & imaging. Access is co-scheduled with an observatory operator.
Hands-on opportunities to become certified in the operation of the dome, mount, & telescope during our monthly public astro events in Winslow AZ. Certification qualifies a member to be an observatory operator with solo access to the dome & telescope during unscheduled times.
Meetings & presentations are scheduled the first Saturday, each quarter. Club members exchange tips, tricks, & new techniques to enhance their visual observing & astro imaging skills. Location to be announced for March meeting.
Loaner access to club telescopes, cameras, & accessories. A number of club & observatory items are also for sale. Proceeds fund public outreach events.
Access to members only Fall Star Party in the high country near Green's Peak in the Arizona White Mountains. Unlimited tent camping & RV boondocking at 9.000'. Bortle 2 skies are far from any lights & up in the thin part of the atmosphere providing views with excellent transparency & steady seeing. 2025 dates to be announced.
Free membership in the Astronomical League. Includes the monthly astronomical magazine "The Reflector". Access to 50+ observing programs. AL Store & vendor discounts. Astronomy and Sky & Telescope magazine subscriptions.
An online monthly newsletter, "What's up?"
Access to Star Ranch Imaging Observatory, Snowflake AZ.